A Journey Through The Career Of Motivational Speaking: Demands And Monetary Reward

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Motivational speakers – also referred to as inspirational speakers – were a novelty in Kenya until recently. For beginners, a motivational speaker is someone who has mastered a certain subject or undergone a difficult experience that has elevated him/her into a better person. They have a way with words that will push an audience to want to maximize their potential. Corporates and learning institutions use these speakers to bring the best out of their employees. It is worth mentioning that we have different types of speakers-though some see themselves as all rounded. Here is how they can be classified:

Personal development

The most common type of speakers we have in the country. They mostly talk of their situation and how they overcame adversity to reach the pinnacle of their career which has a profound effect on the audience.


A speaker in this field is knowledgeable on matters business. He rejuvenates business executives and sales people to give their best.

We also have youth mentors and community speakers.

How to become a motivational speaker

Knowing your area of expertise: You cannot be a jack of all trades. Define your area of expertise and let that be your speciality. If you have knowledge in business, then it becomes easy when you give talks around that subject.

Sharpen your public speaking skills 

Most of us have a story to tell but how to tell it in front of a crowd is the biggest challenge. Oratorical skills require practice. You can start in front of your family and graduate slowly to a small school as you gain confidence to tackle bigger crowds. We also have schools that offer public speaking courses.

Who is your target audience 

Important to know who you are targeting. Once you know this, it becomes easy to know what you should work on.

Presence online 

Social media platforms are an effective marketing tool every motivational speaker should have. When you apply for a gig, chances are very high that whoever is potentially giving you a job will check you online.

So how much are motivational speakers paid in Kenya?

Wale Akinyemi

He is a top rated motivational speaker, business strategist, consultant, newspaper columnist and has authored a number of books. The fee for speakers in Wale’s category is between Shs100,000 and sh150,000 per hour. This amount can go up depending on the client.

Sunny Bindra

Another highly rated inspirational speaker who doubles up as a management consultant,educator, columnist and board advisor. His take home is not less than Sh100,000 per hour.

Pepe Minambo

The public speaker and a columnist with the Nairobian charges corporates between kes80,000 and kes100,000 per hour for corporate gigs. His other charges are:

SMEs and mid-size companies-between Sh60,000 and 80,000

Schools-kes25,000 and kes30,000

Dr. Ayub Nteng’a PhD

A mentor, emotional intelligence authority,writer, life coach and happiness therapist. Dr. Ayub Nteng’a motivational speeches will leave you feeling so good about yourself even when the odds are stacked against you. He has established his name among the best of the best in the professional speaking field. Dr. Ntenga charges range from kes60,000 to 80,000 per hour.

Ngugi wa Thiongo

While he does not reside in Kenya, Ngugi spirit lives with us through his thought provoking novels. His pay dwarfs that of his counterparts in Kenya by far. He charges USD20,000 (roughly kes2 million at current rate) for international speaking engagement.

Daniel ‘Churchill’ Ndambuki

Comedian Daniel Ndambuki popularly known  as Churchill revolutionized comedy in Kenya as we knew it. He will go down Kenyan history books as the father of stand up comedy and rightly so. According to a 2018 article appearing on the Standard, the comedian charges between sh200,000 and 250,000 for any speaking engagement.

Robert Burale

Burale is an author, inspirational speaker, pastor and a Covid-19 survivor. His story is interesting and has inspired many. His charges are not more than kes100,000 per hour.

Lupita Nyong’o


She put Kenya on the entertainment world map after she won the best supporting actress Oscar at the 86th Academy Awards for her role in 12 Years a Slave. The actress has stamped her authority in Hollywood with subsequent films. Her charges for speaking engagements run in millions of shillings.

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