Dr Fred Matiangi’s Impeachment looms. Mps insist on gathering signature.

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Dr Fred Matiangi’s Impeachment looms. Mps insist on gathering signature.

According to sources preview to parliamentary in-house, a chunk of Kenyan parliamentarians in the August house have one more time regrouped to settle their burden of political scores. The legislatures have in large numbers signed a petition seeking an Impeachment of Dr. Fred Fred Matiang’i who is the Cabinet Secretary CS in the Ministry Of Interior Interior and Coordination of National Government in the republic of Kenya. The petition has so far been signed by 90 MPs.

According to sources, the Parliamentarians mostly allied to Tangatanga, the deputy president William Ruto’s political faction have vowed to have the powerful Matiang’i axed once and for all. In their argument, Matiang’i has all along misused his powers.The controversial historic motion was hatched and moved by Nyali Constituency Member Of Parliament, Hon. Mohamed Ali.

The all powerful, no nonsense and famous Gusii leader, Dr. Matiang’i, was accused of amongst other things, misusing his powers by consistently being biased to the DP Ruto’s political allies in his discharge of responsibilities. Notably, Dr. Matiang’i has often fallen out with the Mr. Ruto, latest being on a security saga in which the DP sensationally complained of withdrawal of his security official. Dr. Matiang’i, appearing before the security committee in Parliament last month, cleared the air by giving detailed information on Dp’s security details.

The push- pull sour relationship between the Deputy President DP Ruto and Mps allied to him has always publicly played out, sometimes taking the ugly trend of persistently blasting the CS, interior Dr Fred Matiang’i and in a number of cases extending to the Principal Secretary PS Karanja Kibicho of State Department Of Interior, Kenya. Tangatanga faction has always accused the two top officers in Uhuru’s government for their tribulations.They have equally alleged, that Dr Matiang’i uses the police force to his own advantages which, however the legislatures did not list.

This move comes barely a few weeks after the Deputy President William Ruto visited Dr. Matiang’i’s backyard on a political tour to popularize his 2022 presidential bid. During the tour, instances of chaos were witnessed with youths booing and stoning the Dp’s motorcade at identified centres with in the region.
However, a number of political bigwigs have openly laughed off the impeachment move terming it misplaced. In sampled tweets, they wrote:-

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