Comic Side To The Competency Based Curriculum CBC That Has Got Kenyans Laughing & Talking.

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The new recently introduced curriculum in the Kenyan school system is called CBC. It stands for Competency Based Curriculum.


This new education system in Kenya is currently set to replace the 8-4-4 education system.


The system was introduced in 2017. The CBC was researched and developed by KICD (Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development).


There are seven core competencies in CBC. These are: communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, imagination and creativity, citizenship, learning to learn, self-efficacy and digital literacy. The competencies are embedded in all the learning areas at all the levels.


CBC learners of the Lower Primary have a wide variety of learning areas:

English Language Activities.

Kiswahili Language Activities.

Mathematics Activities.

Environment Activities.

Art & Craft.


Hygiene & Nutrition Activities.

Movement Activities.

In the process of trying to meet the demands of the CBC curriculum, hilarious instances have surfaced. 

The practical side to CBC has proven a rib cracker in many ways as learners are made to imitate a number of activities around them. 

see sample photos and videos below:-

They wedded and exchanged vows courtesy to CBC. Photo Courtesy



In the video above for instance, it funny how a classroom is converted into a market to boost and enhance children marketing and sales skills.






Wow! See the comically creative side of the young man. Even back home, his artistry knows no rest.





Up there goes the skilled teacher who stretches his full length to ensure his learners equally master the skill. It’s all but talented dancing.




Work of God must continue courtesy of CBC. Well, preachers must sprout somehow. And this amazingly skilled little boy is at it.


Here comes the beautiful spirit of agriculture. The backbone of Africa, particularly Kenyans economy. But do we even boast about it? Hahaa


To prove we are on the right track, see how CBC has most probably taken root elsewhere. Imitation of the ongoings in a public transport system. How sweet!




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