Revealed: Grave Mistake By IEBC That’s Already Big Breakthrough To Azimio.

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Azimio La Umoja’s appeal to preventing William Ruto from being sworn in as president has already made progress.




The IEBC apparently failed to account for 140,028 votes, according to the latest reports.





This is in accordance with the final result taking voter turnout and invalid votes into account.




William Ruto’s victory was met with more opposition from the race’s runners-up and Raila Odinga, a candidate for Azimio la Umoja.




With 6.9 million votes, Raila received 48.84% of the vote.







The leader of Azimio has now petitioned the supreme court to dispute Ruto’s victory.



Azimio is certain that the Supreme Court would reverse the decision after hearing the petition.





In the close presidential contest between Raila Odinga of the Azimio party and William Samoei Ruto of the UDA, the latter narrowly defeated Ruto by 69,000 votes.




If Raila Odinga chooses not to contest his victory in court, he will be sworn in.





William Ruto will need to pick cabinet members to lead the various cabinet sectors after the oath is taken.

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