Better Times Ahead For BOM Teachers Following A Joint Talk On Their Welfare.

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BoM teachers are soon smiling all  the way to the bank if their cries are heard and responded to by the authorities.




For some time now, Akello Missori has been the voice of teachers in Kenya. Missori who is currently serving as the General Secretary of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET).




Teachers working in Board of Management (BOM) are being abused for years and they get peanuts as payment despite hard work in their respective schools.




In some schools, especially primary schools, these teachers are paid 5,000 shillings or less, while their counterparts in secondary schools are paid less than 10,000 shillings.





During the COVID 19 pandemic, the government remembered this category of teachers by paying a stipend of 10,000 shillings per month. However, this promise came to an end immediately, with the schools resuming their normal operations.





Akello Missori, general secretary of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers, announced that discussions are on to ensure that these teachers get a fair share of hard work in schools.





Following this engagement, the discussion will see that teachers serving on board of management  in elementary schools should be paid at least 10,000 shillings, while their counterparts serving in secondary schools should be paid a minimum wage of 15,000 per month.





Following this engagement, the discussion will see that teachers serving on board of management in elementary schools should be paid at least 10,000 shillings, while their counterparts serving in secondary schools should be paid a minimum wage of 15,000 per month.





This is received as good news for this category of teachers who are disappointed in their job career especially those who are not on internship contract.

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