Big Blow To UDA As National Treasurer Omingo Magara Quits Moments After Ombeta & Kibagendi.

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The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) National Treasurer Omingo Magara on Monday, February 28, announced that he has resigned from the party affiliated to Deputy President William Ruto.

Magara made the pronouncement during a meeting with grassroots leaders from Kisii town. The former MP noted that he resigned over the lack of democracy in UDA and had opted to go back to the People Democratic Party (PDP) led by Migori Governor Okoth Obado.


He had earlier indicated that he was considering changing political allegiance over what he termed as being undermined by his colleagues.


“For a long time, I have harboured an ambition to be the Kisii County Governor through the UDA party where I was also the national treasurer. However,  there have since been developments that render my candidature through the UDA Party impossible.



“After considerable reflections and consultations with my people in Kisii County, national leaders, family and friends, my political future and ambitions cannot be sufficiently addressed by the UDA party, I therefore immediately resign as a party member and as a treasurer,” Magara stated.



The former MP had declared interest in contesting for the Kisii County gubernatorial seat and would compete against Nyaribari Masaba lawmaker, Ezekiel Machogu for the UDA ticket.



On Sunday, he had dismissed news circulating on social media claiming that he had decamped from the party affiliated to Deputy President William Ruto.

“In the journey called life, great bends require a great driver to navigate, but the journey must go on, to all my supporters, I’ve heard you, and as a good leader, I’m currently engaged in consultations and I’ll be making a major announcement soon,” Magara wrote.



His defection comes barely days after the Director of Youth Affairs in the Office of DP Ruto, Anthony Kibagendi, resigned. Kibagendi, joined Azimio la Umoja, where he was welcomed by its patriarch, Raila Odinga and Kisii County Governor James Ongwae.



Magara and Kibagendi were poised as Ruto’s point men to salvage some votes in the region that is predominantly pro-government. Currently, South Mugirango MP, Sylvanus Osoro, is the only politician from the region backing the DP’s presidential bid.


Earlier, Nyeri County’s former First Lady, Margaret Karungaru Gachagua, announced that she has formally ditched UDA citing similar fears as the former MP. Karagaru expressed doubts that the nominations might not be free and fair.



She will vie for the Nyeri Woman Representative seat as an independent candidate in the August General Election. She will face off with Rose Waikundi (Chama Cha Kazi party) and incumbent Rahab Mukami.

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