Breaking News: Raphael Tuju Resigns as Secretary General, Jubilee Political Party

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President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party has replaced Raphael Tuju as the Secretary General.





Tuju, who has served in that capacity since the formation of the party in 2017, was replaced by Ndaragwa Member of Parliament Jeremiah Kioni.



The announcement was made during the Jubilee Party’s National Delegates Convention in Nairobi on Saturday, February 26, where Tuju announced his resignation from the post.





Kioni will be deputized by Cherangany Member of Parliament and former Uhuru’s advisor on Youth Affairs, Joshua Kuttuny.

The party further resolved to remove Deputy President William Ruto and his allies as leaders.

Uhuru will, however, remain as the party leader even after retiring from elective politics after the August 9 General Election

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