COP2 Egypt: Ruto Reveals Kenya Has Spent Ksh. 364 million To Feed The Dying Wild Animals.

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President William Ruto says the government has spent Ksh.364 million (USD 3 million) to supply feed and water to wildlife over the last three months.




Speaking on Monday at the 27th annual climate meeting in Egypt, President Ruto highlighted the impact of the ongoing severe drought in Kenya and across the region,




noting that it is a clear indication that climate change is directly threatening people’s lives, health and future.



The President pointed out that millions of people have been affected by the drought, with 2.5 million being left dead.




“The Horn of Africa region, including Kenya is experiencing the worst drought in 40 years.





Two consecutive years without rain have visited misery on millions of people. 2.5 million livestock have died in Kenya this



year alone causing economic losses of more than USD 1.5 billion,” he said.



He added: “Kenya’s world-famous wildlife heritage has not been spared either, and carcasses of elephants,




zebras, wildebeests and many other wild fauna litter our parks. We have had to spend $ 3 million to supply feed and water to wildlife in the last 3 months.”




President Ruto urged other leaders attending the COP27 convention in Egypt to rally together in dealing with Climate Change and especially remain committed to agreements made to curb climate change.



“As we speak, the pledge made 13 years ago in Copenhagen, committing USD 100 billion annually, remains unfulfilled.




Such egregious and unexplained default is a major cause of persisting distrust. Neither is there any sound reason for the continuing pollution,” said Ruto.




He highlighted some of the measures Kenya has taken to combat climate change.



“In stark contrast, Kenya, a country with far less resources than the average developed country, has foregone




polluting industrialization and growth opportunities and intentionally invested in clean, green energy.



“It must be recalled that Kenya has tremendous hydrocarbon and coal deposits which would go a long way in fuelling the engines of development.




Nevertheless, due to resolute commitment, our electricity grid is 93% green,”said the president.

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