Court Throws Away Two Of Ruto’s Applications Regarding The Petition.

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President-elect William Ruto has suffered a blow after the Supreme Court




threw out his two applications regarding petitions challenging his victory.





The Supreme Court rejected Ruto’s bid to have the Law Society of Kenya – LSK


barred from being enjoined in the presidential petition ahead of the pre-trial on Tuesday, August 30.



He had argued that LSK could not be neutral since Azimio’s running mate, Martha Karua, is a member and former leader of the society.




LSK, led by Erik Theuri, who succeeded lawyer Nelson Havi, had filed an application to be enjoined in the petition as an impartial advisor (amicus curiae),




arguing that it has the expertise to assist the highest court in the land in delivering a fair judgement.





President-Elect William Ruto leaving Bomas of Kenya on August 15, 2022.
President-Elect William Ruto leaving Bomas of Kenya on August 15, 2022.




In the second application, Ruto, through his legal team, challenged the affidavits filed by the IEBC commissioners.




The Kenya Kwanza Alliance leader wanted their affidavits struck out.




The commissioners mentioned in his applications included, Juliana Cherera, Francis Wanderi, Irene Masit, Justus Nyang’aya, Boya Molu and Abdi Guliye.





However, the apex court threw out his application meaning that their affidavits would be admissible.




Ruto had argued that the affidavits filed by the commissioners created a second-tier petition despite them being considered as respondents in the case challenging his win.




In their affidavits, the four dissenting commissioners, Cherera, Masit, Wanderi and Nyang’aya argued that the August 9 presidential election was not transparent.




They argued that the commission chairperson Wafula Chebukati sidelined them and announced Ruto as President-elect without verifying some results.





Chebukati, in his affidavit, defended IEBC, noting that the agency conducted the Presidential poll in a fair and credible manner.




He, however accused some top government officials, including the National Security Counsel, of trying to subvert the people’s will.




His accusations were corroborated by commissioner Guliye who also noted that the IEBC chair was visited at 3 AM by former Jubilee Party Secretary General Raphael Tuju and Amos Wako.




Tuju, while admitting that he met Chebukati at the Bomas of Kenya, he denied influencing the poll’s outcome.




The Azimio Executive Director vowed to release CCTV footage exposing a meeting with a section of the commissioners in his house.




Ahead of the Tuesday, August 30 pre-trial Conference, the Supreme Court has also struck out a request by Agano Party led by Waihiga Mwaure to be enjoined in the petition.

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