Doom As List Of How IEBC Reduced Raila’s Votes Per County Emerges.

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Raila Odinga and Martha Karua say that results recorded in Forms 34A from polling stations are at variance with Form 34C, which IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati used to declare William Ruto as the winner of the presidential election. This has created the background of the case Azimio filed at the Supreme Court.




The former Primer claims that from the analysis, William Ruto was fraudulently given 217,631 extra votes which enabled him to attain 50% plus 1 threshold.





Raila Odinga explains that they analysed results with his team of experts from



across all 47 counties and concluded that Chebukati added votes to William Ruto from nearly all counties.




Raila says that William Ruto was added the highest number of votes in Mt Kenya especially in Murang’a County and



Nakuru County where DP Ruto was allegedly added 33,055 votes and 30,870 votes respectively.




In Narok County, William Ruto was allegedly given 31,653 more votes and in Kericho County Ruto allegedly got 14,244




extra votes. In Mombasa and Bomet counties Ruto allegedly got 15,061 and 13,522 extra votes respectively.





Others are 3,342 extra votes in Bungoma County, 2,979 more votes in Busia




County, 13 in Siaya county, 125 extra votes in Kisumu County, 1,157 in Marsabit County, 10,340 extra votes in Turkana County, 5,056 more in Samburu County as well as 13,423 extra votes in Trans Nzoia County.







Raila Odinga now paints a picture of intricate criminal enterprise that had allegedly planned an elaborate scheme to manipulate the presidential poll.




Raila claims that the manipulation of the votes began soon after results were declared at polling stations.




Raila Odinga added that results given to his agents in 25 polling stations in Tiaty constituency and in other 15 polling stations in Nairobi County differ from the results on the same forms posted on the IEBC portal.




Raila added that the plot was to inflate Ruto’s votes.

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