IEBC Says It’s Ready To Work With The Police.

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Inspector General (IG) of Police Hilary Mutyambai now says that the public spat between the police force and the



 Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), over the arrest of three Venezuelan nationals found in possession of electoral stickers last week, has been resolved.




There was a back and forth between the electoral body and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) following the arrest of Joel Gustavo Rodríguez García, Camargo Castellanos Jose Gregorio and Salvador Javier Suarez at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) on June 21, 2022.




While IEBC maintained that the three were in the country to execute a lawful contract relating to the deployment of election technology, the



 DCI countered by arguing that the trio did not bear any letter or documentation indicating that they had been invited by the commission.




The ceasefire between the two government agencies, which will both play important roles during this election period, followed talks between IG Mutyambai and IEBC chair Wafula Chebukati on Thursday.




” I wish to assure Kenyans that NPS is and remains committed to partner and support IEBC to conduct and deliver a free, fair and credible 2022 General Election,” said Mutyambai.




“To date. Our respective agencies continue to collaborate and work together harmoniously in the dispatch of election materials from point to point as scheduled.



Finally, with regard to investigation revolving around electoral stickers recently imported into the country. I wish to inform Kenyans that the matter has been resolved.”




Mutyambai’s sentiments were shared by Chebukati who reiterated that the two agencies will work closely together to ensure that the August polls are successful.




“NPS is a very major partner in the election process since it will deploy about 150,000 officers for the elections. This includes officers who will be



 deployed at the 46,229 polling stations, 290 constituency tallying centres, 47 county tallying centres and the national tallying centre,” he said.




“Today’s meeting as you all know, arises from the issue about the stickers. The IG has said that has been resolved. It is settled and going forward we have committed to work together.”



Chebukati likewise raised alarm over an alleged plot used by persons eyeing elective seats on the ballot next month to buy the identity cards of registered voters, noting that the matter had been forwarded to the IG’s office for appropriate action. 


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