Irungu Kanga’ta Addresses Viral Letter to Ruto

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Irungu Kanga’ta Addresses Viral Letter to Ruto

Murang’a Senator and gubernatorial aspirant in the August 9 polls Irungu Kang’ata has denied a letter making rounds on social media, that allegedly emanated from his office.

The letter, addressed to Deputy President William Ruto and bearing the header of Kang’ata’s office and a forged signature, accuses the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) of underhand dealing with issuance of nominations certificates.

The letter, which Kang’ata termed as fake in a response to the media, he claimed that a section of UDA leadership was demanding bribes to give direct nominations to aspirants.

“If we fail to assure aspirants that our nominations will be free and fair, I can tell you for free that many of them will flee to other parties. Already, there there are jitters and murmurs,” read the letter in part.

“Many aspirants are quiet, but on many occasions different individuals have communicated their anxieties with me, especially those who cannot afford the extra fees being charged under the table for a direct ticket. These things are happening in your party and I would like to believe you are not aware.”

Further, the letter serves to warn the Deputy President that a substantial number of Mount Kenya voters have had a change of heart especially after president Uhuru’s meeting that took place at the Sagana State Lodge early this year.

“Based on informal research, the bomb that destroyed our gains as UDA in the mountain was Sagana 3. Over 20,000 people turned up at the Sagana State Lodge to see the President.

Most of these people were not mobilized, they went to Sagana because the local radio stations had urged them to go and welcome their President,” added the letter.

It went on to note that the Azimio La Umoja presidential flagbearer, Raila Odinga, is no longer seen as an outsider in the region, with more voters embracing his candidature.

“Many things have changed. The ground has started a slow but sure shift. The Raila Odinga we believed was like pork in Mecca has started to find some footing in the Mountain. His message and his diplomatic mien has been slowly melting the hard hearts of our people.”

The heavily-worded letter claimed that the DP William Ruto’s party strategy had failed and that it was time for UDA to rethink its strategy.

“The insults strategy against the President and Raila seems to be a flop in the long run. Many from Mt Kenya are also not happy with the way we are being overshadowed by ANC and Ford Kenya newcomers, yet we have the numbers,” added the letter.

In his one word response, Kang’ata termed the whole letter as unauthentic.

“Fake!” he responded.

The Murang’a Senator will be contesting for the gubernatorial seat on a UDA ticket and will face off with former Kigumo Member of Parliament, Jamleck Kamau of Jubilee Party and former Devolution Principal Secretary, Irungu Nyakera of Farmers Party.

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