KCSE Examiners Report To Respective Marking Centers From Today.

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Teachers taking part in marking KCSE have reported to their respective centers beginning Monday morning.



However, team leaders and subject coordinators already reported a week ago.



For almost six days, the teachers have been working on marking schemes for different subjects.



A number of teachers decried long working hours during the marking process.



“Can we just work from 8 am to 5pm like any Kenyan does? Why do we have to work up to 10pm yet the pay is the same?” a teacher who sought anonymity told the Star.



The teacher asked Knec to review the working hours or consider adding overtime payment for the extra hours.



“We are just supposed to work from 8-5. So they should give us overtime,” he said.



Another teacher said the marking rates should be increased.



He faulted the examinations council for sticking to the same rates despite changing economic times.



“We can’t have the same amount of money being charged for all these years, we work for so long and need to be paid better,” she said.



For instance, Mangu High and Thika High are centers for marking several subjects like English, Physics and Maths.



Knec set new reporting dates for KCSE examiners to January 2.




Chief examiners and assistant chief examiners coordination reported on December 21.




Subject team leaders now reported on December 26.



Earlier on, Knec had recalled all marking invitation letters that had been uploaded to their website.



This came after a public outcry by teachers who sought an extension of reporting dates to mark KCSE.



On Thursday, most teachers could not download their invitation letters.



“The letter is unavailable at the moment, kindly check later. Copyright 2022. Kenya national examinations council,” a pop-up on the website reads.



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