KEBS now says cooking oil in Sh17 billion edible import scheme safe for consumption

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KEBS now says cooking oil in Sh17 billion edible import scheme safe for consumption





The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has addressed the issue surrounding the edible oil shipment, asserting that the products underwent rigorous testing and did not violate any health or safety standards.





In a statement released on Wednesday, November 6, KEBS clarified that the sampled, re-inspected, and tested edible oil, imported by the Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC), adhered to the health and safety parameters outlined in the applicable Kenya Standard, KS EAS 769:2019.





“KEBS sampled, re-inspected, and tested the edible oils imported by Kenya National Trading Corporation (KNTC).




From the tests done, the edible oil complied with all the health and safety parameters of the applicable Kenya Standard (KS EAS 769: 2019),” stated KEBS.





However, the tested edible oils were found to fall short of the required Vitamin A levels, a criterion not classified as a health and safety parameter. KEBS communicated this specific result to KNTC.







Earlier statements from KEBS had indicated that certain consignments of the imported edible oil failed to meet the Kenya Standardisation Specification for Fortified Edible Oils and Fats, particularly in Vitamin A and Insoluble Impurities.

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