KNEC Officially Releases July/ August 2021 TVETs & Colleges Examination Series Results

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KNEC has officially released July/ August 2021 KNEC TVETs & colleges examination series results. These set of examination was done on July/ August 2021. Before the year 2020, this examinations were always offered to candidates twice a year in the month of July and November series. From the year 2020 KNEC rescheduled the examination to March series and July series phasing out November series.
The KNEC July 2020 exams results which was done on February 2021 was released and was available for Candidates from 21st May 2021. Through a circular from KNEC, Candidates who sat for this set were urged to make arrangements to confirm their results from their examination centers.
Candidates who were set to do their KNEC examination on July 2020 were rescheduled to 18th January 2021 for business courses and 1st February for technical exams respectively. On completion of these examinations, some candidates proceeded to industrial attachment as others who did the final course examinations proceeded on to wait for their results. Those who successfully complete any of the examination courses successfully can proceed to the next stage or join the job market. Holders of diploma, certificates can also proceed to pursue Degree courses.
Candidates who sat for KNEC business and technical examinations July/August 2021 exam series can easily get their results, their respective colleges can always collect the results printout from KNEC South C offices upon being released. This are always posted by the school on notice boards for the candidates to confirm their score.
Alternatively upon the exams being released individual students can access their results by simply SMS way where a student sends their index number to a number offered by KNEC. although to this set of July/August 2021 business and technical exams results KNEC has not yet provided an SMS code to access the results.
The easiest way to get the results for candidates is to contact their head of departments from the education center’s they sat from to confirm their results. Students can also visit the school to confirm their results. respective colleges always collect the results printout from KNEC South C offices upon being released some colleges may not have picked their results although candidates are advised to confirm with their examination centers.
The following information was provided by KNEC on registration and administration of theory and practical examinations.
Registration of candidates is from 1st March to 22nd March 2022 Examination dated for theory and practical from 25th July to 22nd August 2022.
Examination dated for theory and practical from 22nd November 2022 to 17th December 2022, KNEC exam registration dates will be communicated.
As soon as the KNEC examination is released, KNEC always opens a portal for exam registration. The portal shows the exam fees which varies depending on the course. The registration details are further offered by the schools and TVET institution on how to apply and requirements for the exam registration.
KNEC offers also the registration for referral papers for the candidates who receive their results and were referred in one or two papers. These set of students only register and pay for only the referred papers. In case of a FAIL a candidate will have to re-sit the whole papers thus paying all examination fee.
Registration dates are offered by KNEC and the respective institutions. These dates have to be adhered to as extension of the periods of registration is very unlikely. If you miss out on registration one will have to wait for another exam period.



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