Learning Suspended At Maranda High School As Candidates Are Sent Home.

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Maranda High School Form 4 Students Sent Home Indefinitely. The school has been closed indefinitely due to students unrest. The students allegedly refused to write a mock exam and threatened to burn the school.

The institution has been closed today,  Thursday and all the students were sent home indefinitely. The school administration reached the decision of closing the school for fear of the damages the students who threatened to burn the school were to cause if they continued to stay in the compound.

Nelson Sifuna, the Siaya County Director of Education confirmed to The Standard media that over 400 form four students were sent home Thursday morning.

The form four students were to sit for an internal mock examination which was scheduled to start on Monday next week. The examination has since been postponed to a later date, which will be communicated.

Sifuna reported the students caused unrest in school on Tuesday night and threatened to torch learning and accommodation facilities within the school if they are administration could not do away with the said mock examination.

One teacher from Maranda High informed the  media that they decided to send the learners home after they feared the uncertainties of keeping the students in school.

The decision was reached after a length meeting which was held by the Board of Management (BOM) to avert possible destruction of school property. The teacher added.

Students passed their threats of burning the school through graffiti on toilet walls.

The students were readmitted merely two weeks following closure when the students torched one dormitory on the 7th of November 2021.

Six students who were charged with alleged arson were freed on Monday by the Bondo Principal Magistrate’s Court over lack of evidence.

Indiscipline cases and school unrest has increased in our secondary schools in the recent past and this call for a brilliant decision to curb the situation.

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