NEWSGANG’s Linus Kaikai Boldly Tells Off TSC CEO Nancy On Her Punitive Tendency To Transfer KNTPG Officials.

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In one of the renown Royal Media, Citizen TV’s Program dubbed News Gang that airs every Thursday night as from 10:00pm, the TV journalist Linus Kaikai one more time, boldly lifted the lid on the ills at the Teachers Service Commission.
The Chairman of the Kenya Editors Guild KEG, Mr. Kaikai never minced his words on telling the TSC Boss, Nancy Macharia off on matters pertaining labour relations and teachers treatment under her watch. In his segment, ‘The Kickers’ which begun,
“On my Kicker tonight, I read with horror some news that TSC has embarked on a punitive teachers transfer program targeting critics of TSC and critics of the teachers unions….” He continued..


This is coming a few days after the spokesperson of the Teachers Pressure Group (TPG), Martha Omollo, was moved to Trans Nzoia County from her Mowlem Supaloaf Primary School in Nairobi.
Mrs. Omollo Marther, KNTPG’s member
The move came after Omollo pushed for reforms and better welfare of her colleagues, cried foul over what she claimed was an unfair transfer after she was moved from Nairobi.
She resumed her duty, assuming the call was nothing but an attempt to intimidate her. However, fews hours later, she was informed that she had a guest from the employer’s office.
Subsequently, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has launched a crackdown on teachers perceived to be fierce critics of the agency’s agenda.
The tutors are alleged to be attached to the Kenya National Teachers Pressure Group, which is a harsh critic of TSC of late.
As reported by a local publication, Daily Nation, on Thursday, November 18, it is alleged that six tutors have already been moved to far-flung areas as part of the crackdown.
Among those who have been transferred are; Ms Eva Muchemi who was moved from Nairobi to Narok, Fanuel Ambole moved from Machakos to Tana River and Ms Ann Wanyoike moved from Nairobi to Kitui.


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