October 5th: Mixed Reactions as Teachers In Kenya ‘Celebrate’ their day

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A time came in the history of the world and October 5 was unanimously picked to shoulder the international celebration for teachers. You know why? Perhaps, you wonder.

World Teachers’ Day, alternatively referred to as International Teacher’s day is a commemorative celebration that hits annually on 5th of every October. On this said day, tutors across the globe reflect upon their purpose which undeniably has remained greatly impactful before the sight, not only of the learners, family and the society but also all that have passed through their hands.

The unmatched honor internationally heaped on teachers on this particular day bore its origin, dating back in 1966. It was then that a special intergovernmental meeting endowed the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recommendation on the status of teachers. The recommendation was then introduced into the world calendar in 1994. Since then, the celebration has been used to draw attention to teachers’ contributions, achievements, and air teachers’ concerns and set goals within in the education circles.

2021 THEME

This year’s commemoration boldly read:-
Teachers at the heart of Education recovery.” To live the true meaning, teacher professional bodies, governments and teacher unions joined the celebrations globally to see to it that the true spirit of teaching is painted right. Back at home, Teachers Service Commission, TSC, a commission that employs, promotions and manages teachers on behalf of the government was not left.

Under the leadership of the commission’s boss and CEO Nancy Macharia, teachers efforts and hard work did not go unnoticed. It was all pomp and color as the teacher employer throw its weight behind teachers in a rare show to honour her 31 teachers from across the country. Section of Dr. Nancy’s statement

Speaking during the ceremony Dr. Nancy Macharia noted that the selected teachers had demonstrated consistency in exemplary performance in the teaching profession. She observed that the process of identifying the teachers was in strict conformity to TSC’s laid down policy framework on Performance Recognition and reward. Mr. Peter Tabichi of Keriko Mixed secondary school, the Global Teacher Of The Year 2018 was amongst the 31 teachers awarded the Dr. Nancy Macharia. Other teachers were drawn across the country based on merit as the TSC CEO announced.

Photo Courtesy/

Elsewhere teachers and the public took to different platforms to show solidarity in the celebration to appreciate the vital contribution made in the world of academia. See the sampled images of teachers celebrating their work, their colleagues and their students in equal measure below:-

All photos/images courtesy/social platforms

However, majority of teachers felt their’s very little left to celebrate in the teaching profession considering what they termed ‘ill-treat’ by the government, employer TSC and particularly, teachers unions which they say have betrayed the labour movement. This was recently witnessed in what teachers felt was a forced program TPD on them that lasts 30 years with the contentious funding of it left to the tutors themselves. Teachers equally feel betrayed by their top union official who sign into such binding non profiting CBOs. According to most teachers, their is a dark cloud lurking this noble profession as no one seem to consult with them anymore, only time will tell.
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