KNEC invites KCPE & KCSE examiners for 2023 marking exercise

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KNEC invites KCPE & KCSE examiners 2023

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has introduced a new payment structure and invited all examiners to participate in the 2023 KCPE and KCSE marking exercise.




The invitation process will be conducted online for convenience and efficiency. KCPE examiners can access the system starting on October 16, 2023, while KCSE examiners will gain access on November 1, 2023, ensuring a well-organized marking process.


To participate, examiners should visit the KNEC Contracted Professionals Website at and log in using their provided username and password.


They can reset their password via email if needed. Examiners are required to provide and save their personal information for accuracy.





Upon logging in, examiners will find a dashboard containing crucial information, such as marking instructions and invitation letters, which can be downloaded, printed, and accessed at any time.



They must review the invitation letter to confirm their participation and follow the guidelines for accepting or rejecting the marking offer.



KNEC invites KCPE & KCSE examiners 2023

KNEC can be contacted for further inquiries through telephone (0720 741003, 0732 333530, 0775 471980, 0775 471997) and email ( and



This online approach reflects KNEC’s commitment to efficiency and accessibility, with a phased access plan and support channels in place to maintain the examination system’s integrity.



KNEC appreciates the participation of all qualified examiners in this important endeavor. The article also provides the payment rates for contracted professionals in different roles and regions.




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