TSC Reconsiders ‘Frustrating’ Teacher – Transfers Regulations

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Considered the  present ongoing transfer exercise aimed for personnel balancing in schools across the country,  Teachers Service Commission (TSC) appears to have addressed some of the contentious issues surrounding teacher transfers.




In the latest update, teachers who have served in a station for a period of not less than three (3) years since their first appointment would be eligible for transfer under the current ongoing exercise, as detailed in a Circular dated April 4, 2022 obtained by Education News.




The only exception, as per  to the letter delivered to the Commission’s field offices, will be teachers in the North Eastern areas, who would be required to serve for five years after their initial appointment.




“The teacher had to have worked in a station for a long time.”


This is a deviation from the prior standard, which required teachers to serve for at least five (5) years after their first appointment before becoming eligible for a transfer.




The commission implemented the transfer policy, also known as the delocalization policy, in January 2018 to force teachers to work outside of their home counties, with significant transfers occurring in April and August of that year.




TSC now  will evaluate family problems during the present transfer exercise and, if possible, move couples who have formally registered their marital status to the same area.





In the past the transfer strategy harmed many families by relocating married instructors to far-flung locations, away from their spouses and children.

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