OKA: “We Will Make University Education Free Of Charge.”

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The One Kenya Alliance (OKA) now says university education will be free if they win the presidency in the 2022 General Election.



OKA co-principal and FORD Kenya party chair Moses Wetangula on Sunday told Thika residents that the alliance was determined to take the free education policy from the primary level, where Former President Mwai Kibaki left at.

“Serikali ya OKA ikiingia, vile Mzee Kibaki alipeana elimu ya bure mpaka Standard Eight, nasi tutasukuma mpaka chuo kikuu,” said Wetangula.



Wetangula noted that the alliance is keen on improving people’s livelihoods through education and healthcare reforms, stating that every Kenyan will be under a National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) cover.



“Sasa OKA na partners wetu tukiingia, jambo la kwanza kwa mwananchi wa kawaida, kila mtu atapatiwa NHIF card ili akienda hospitali anatibiwa… matibabu ya tajiri na yako ni pamoja ,” he added.



“Ikiwa una card ya matibabu kwako na familia yako, na mtoto wako anasoma kwa ile shule mtoto wa tajiri anasoma kwa sababu ya serikali, kazi yako sasa kama mzazi itakuwa ni kuzalisha mali.”

Describing themselves as renowned peacemakers in the country, Wetangula said OKA is what Kenya needs for a stable governance.



“Wakati vurugu ilitokea mwaka wa 2007… nilienda nikaleta Koffi Annan, Jakaya Kikwete na John Kufuor tukaketi amani ikarudi Kenya, kwa hivyo we have  proven record of peacebuilding in this country,” crowed Wetangula.

The announcement is a step higher from the free secondary education OKA had previously in efforts to woo voters.



“Mimi nilikuwa advisor mkubwa wa Kibaki na mambo ya free primary education si ilifanyika..sasa nitahakikisha OKA ikiingia Wiper ikiwa mbele basi kutakuwa na free secondary education…na kisha tutafanya value addition kwa bidhaa kama kabichi ya Nyandarua,” OKA co-principal and Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka announced on November 5.



Wetangula, Kalonzo and fellow co-principals Gideon Moi of KANU and ANC’s Musalia Mudavadi have repeatedly maintained that they are united as the country nears the 2022 showdown, and that they will soon present a candidate to contest for the seat.



They on Thursday dismissed reports of joining either Deputy President William Ruto’s camp or ODM leader Raila Odinga’s Azimio la Umoja train.



“As One Kenya Alliance we are together, please pray for us. Let’s pray that the next team, the best team, the team that will hold this country together would be in place to govern this country next year,” Kalonzo said during the memorial service of Mudavadi’s stepmother.



They further chastited DP Ruto and his brigade, who have been imploring Mudavadi to join their camp, telling them to cease and desist.
#Story courtesy

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