‘Politriks?’ Confusion As Defected Parties Make A U-Turn Against Ruto.

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UPIA secretary general Mr Duale.




The president elect William Ruto has been busy meeting members of Parliament from other parties who have allegedly decided to work with Kenya kwanza alliance.




On Saturday, Ruto signed an agreement with UDM party led by Ali Roba marking the end of the party’s association with azimio la Umoja coalition.




Prior to today’s event, Ruto received leaders from UPIA party who according to the outgoing deputy president had joined his alliance.




However, in a twist of events, the leaders have distanced themselves from the claims saying they are still in azimio.




Speaking to the Media on Saturday, secretary general of the party Mohamed Duale said the meeting held at Karen mid this week doesn’t amount to an agreement to decamp to kenya kwanza.

He said the party is still part and parcel of the azimio la umoja coalition based on the agreement signed earlier before the august general election.

On his side, nominated member of Parliament Guyo Wako said during the





Visit to Karen, they only discussed development issues and nothing political was discussed.





He said the meeting was for leaders from Marsabit and not UPIA members Only.




This latest move by UPIA to distance itself from the president elect’s Kenya kwanza alliance is a blow to the



incoming head of state who is seeking to control both houses of bicameral Parliament.





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