School Fires: Nyamira Boys High School In Nyamira County Joins The List. A Dormitory In Flames, Saturday Night.

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Over the past few days, incidences of school fires, mostly top secondary schools in Kenya have been very rampant. Day in day out, several schools are torched down, some by students others by purportedly unknown assailants. The latest from nyamira County to be reported is that of Nyamira boys high school.

The fire is reported to have broke out at around 8pm when students were in class for the evening studies. Smoke was reported to be billowing up the sky causing great alarm among the neighborhood. Students had to rush out of classes to help salvage and save some property and help put out the fire.

The students were seen with bucket of water trying to put off the huge inferno. Good luck, the firefighters arrived at the scene and tried to contain by extinguishing the huge fire.

No casualties were reported as at the time of the incident, Students were in classes. However, the fire has been contained and the situation is now calm.

The school management has managed to calm down the students. We wish those affected the very best as we wait on the next cause of action.

Our media team is following closely, and once the next step is announced,, we will update you immediately.

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