Sad: School Bus In Nyanza Overturns With Students..

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School Bus Overturns With Students In Kisumu – Kakamega Highway.

Thurgem Secondary School is hitting the headlines today after its students were involved n a road accident along the Kisumu-Kakamega highway.

Their school bus was reported to have carried students at a capacity of 45. This is according to a report seen by the media confirms that the incident which is said to have happened this evening at Mamboleo.

It is reported that crowds in huge numbers were flocking in to witness the students being evacuated from the wrecked school bus.

Police who rushed to the scene were yet to give the exact cause of the accident by the time I am writing this piece.

Injured students were taken to the nearby health facility as investigations are underway to know the exact cause of the accident.

Drivers are always advised to be keen on the roads just to make sure those on board together with them are safe at the end of the day.

We hope that more information regarding the incident will be communicated. Always keep safe. Thank you.

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