Section Of Kikuyu Voters Vow To Dump Ruto In case Of Rerun.

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Some residents of the Mt. Kenya region have vowed to cast their ballots for former prime minister Raila Amollo



Odinga in the event that the Supreme Court overturns the election of Hon. William Samoei Ruto as president.







Speaking to the media on Wednesday morning, the locals declared that they would continue to support Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga,





the leader of the ODM party, because they were doing so as per the instructions of Hon. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, the outgoing president.





Since they are confident that the former prime minister Raila Amollo Odinga’s victory was thwarted by the IEBC commission chairman Mr. Wafula Chebukati,




they said that justice must be served.





The region has been a bigger factor in determining who will inherit the power in succession politics than Uhuru’s allies,




who claimed that rigging was seen and other Azimio agents were chased out of the polling places despite the fact that





the president-elect Hon. William Samoei Ruto received many votes from the region.

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