Teacher In Trouble For Allegedly Physically Abusing A Student.

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A teacher based at Highway secondary school in Nairobi is on the spot for allegedly whipping and injuring a form three student.





The incident has already attracted the attention of detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and the Ministry of Education.




According to a report by Nation, the Ministry of Education revealed that the tutor is not employed by the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) despite the fact that he serves on the school’s Board of Management.

File Photo of a teacher caning a student in class
File Photo of a teacher caning a student in class






The Ministry promised to work with the police in order to conclude investigations. If found culpable, the teacher will face criminal charges as a violation of section 13 of the children’s Act as well as article 29 of the constitution.


“A child shall be entitled to protection from physical and psychological abuse, neglect and any other form of exploitation including the sale, trafficking or abduction by any person.




Any child who becomes the victim of abuse, in the terms of subsection (1), shall be accorded appropriate treatment and rehabilitation in accordance with such regulations as the Minister may make,” reads part of the Children’s Act.




Agnes Waithera, the student’s mother, had lodged a complaint at the police station, alleging that her son suffered physical and psychological trauma as a result of the thorough beating he received from the teacher.




Recounting the events, she noted that she received a phone call on June 20, 2022, from the school principal who informed her that her son had suffered an injury and that the staff wanted to take him to hospital.




Waithera, who had initially agreed to the principal’s request changed her tune after she heard her son’s voice in the background, pleading to see her.




At the hospital, the mother saw the extent of the injuries, with signs of flogs and bruises visibly seen on her son’s back. 





“My mind was not at ease because I was trying to understand how he screamed outside for help and no one helped,” Waithera stated.





The Form Three student noted that the incident occurred upon a brief encounter with the said teacher, who was on duty at the time.




“After supper during preps, I went out to go to the washrooms. Upon reaching the taps, the teacher on duty spotted me and ordered me to come to him.





As soon as I did, he pushed me to the ground and then proceeded to beat me with a belt.”

Students seat for a KCSE exam
Students seat for a KCSE exam.



“I asked myself even if I did something wrong, why all those canes. He could have given me few canes but why all those canes,” he claimed.



The school principal, however, declined to comment on the matter, noting that is still under investigation.




“Already, the police have questioned the school and the parent. At this time I will not comment on anything as the matter is under investigation,” he stated.





Madaraka Sub County police commander Timon Odingo confirmed that they had received the complaint under O/B number 62/20/6/22 and would work round the clock to conclude investigations.

Corporal punishment has been a subject of discussions in the recent past with some vouching for the reintroduction of caning in schools.




Currently, the 2001 Children’s Act prohibits corporal punishment.



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