Term Two To Be Restructured To Cater For Lost Time.

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The second term of the Kenyan Education Calendar will be extended to make up for the time lost during general election activities.





The government would prolong the second term, according to Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KSSHA)




National Chairperson Indimuli Kahi, to provide KCSE and KCPE candidates ample time to finish the curriculum and get ready for their final exams.




This morning, Mr. Indimuli gave a brief interview to a local radio station in which he revealed that he had spoken with Dr. Julius Jwan, the Principal,





Secretary of Basic Education, and that they had agreed to call a meeting of education stakeholders in order to restructure the term and make up for the time lost during the recently concluded elections.







“We want to give all KCSE and KCPE candidates together with all teachers enough time to cover syllabus and adequately prepare for national examinations,“ said Mr. Indimuli.





Mr. Indimuli went on to say that 2022 is a crucial transitional year that needs to be handled carefully because Form Four students will be entering higher education institutions,




Grade Six students will be transitioning to junior secondary, Grade Eight students will be transitioning to secondary school, and so forth.





He took the chance to express his gratitude to Kenyans for keeping the calm throughout and beyond the election,




which will allow children to report to their various schools and continue their education uninterrupted.




The chairperson also urged all parents to pay school fees on time so that school administrators could efficiently administer their institutions.





“Parents should pay school fees to enable all school heads in Kenya to run the schools efficiently because students will have to eat,




school workers will have to be paid and suppliers will need their money,” he said.

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