Terms Calendar 2022: This Is When Your Child Will Be Back Home.

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All schools reopened for the first term of the 2022 school year on may 29th this year.




The new situation is unlike the previous years when schools were reopened for the first term in every January of the new year.





Just unlike in the past when schools could be closed for one month holiday  that is from late March or early April to early May when the school calender was normal,  term one holiday for this year has been short just unlike  other years .





With the first term lasting until July 1st 2022, schools will close for 10 Days and learners will resume learning on 11 th July 2022.





The above adjustments are meant  to cater for lost time during the Covid 19 pandemic so as by the Beginning of January 2023, schools calendar will turn normal.




Most CBC pioneer students will enter their final primary school year, after which they will transfer to Junior Secondary Schools.





Then the second  term begins on July 11th ,2022  and runs until September 16, while the third term runs from September 26 to November 25.






As per to Dr.  Nancy Macharia,the  Chief Executive of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC),  TSC is on preparing  all teachers for the gradual implementation of CBC.





A per  to Dr.  Nancy Macharia, 229,292 teachers have been trained on CBC in preparation for the Grade Six rollout.




Also training was provided in may  2022 as part of a deliberate plan to train all teachers.




Finally, below is the revised school calendar for the Academic Year 2022 and 2023




Term 1 25th April, 2022  1st July 2022


10 Weeks
Half term break 26th May, 2022 29th May, 2022 3 Days
Holiday 2nd July 2022


10th July, 2022 1 Week
Term 2 11th July, 2022 16th September 2022 10 Weeks
Half​​ term Break 6th August, 2022 13th August, 2022 1 Week
Holiday 17th November 2022 25th September 2022 1 week
Term 3 26th September, 2022 25th November 2022


9 Weeks
Holiday 26th November, 2022 22nd January, 2023


7 Weeks
KCPE Period 28th​​ November, 2022 1st December, 2022 4 Days
KCSE Period 1st December, 2022 23rd December, 2022 3 Weeks
KCSE Marking 2nd January, 2023


23rd January, 2023


3 Weeks










Term 1

23rd​​ January, 2023

21st​​ April, 2023

13​​ Weeks

Half term break

26th​​ March, 2023

29th March, 2023

3 Days


22nd​​ April,​​ 2023

7th​​ May, 2023

2​​ Weeks

Term 2

8th​​ May, 2023

11th​​ August​​ 2023

13​​ Weeks

Half term Break

29th​​ June, 2023

2nd​​ July, 2023

1 Week


12th​​ August,​​ 2023

27th​​ August,​​ 2023

2​​ weeks

Term 3

28th​​ August, 2023

3rd​​ November,​​ 2023

10​​ Weeks

KCPE Period

6th November, 2023

9th​​ November, 2023

4 Days

KCSE Period

10th​​ November, 2023

1st​​ December, 2023

3 Weeks

KCSE Marking

2nd January, 2023

23rd January, 2023

3 Weeks


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