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While addressing the NEB on the branch council of Chairpersons stand in view of the TPD, Mr. Henri Otunga, KUPPET Chairperson and the chairperson of the council, reaffirmed Chairperson’s commitment to have things fixed right for the teachers of this country. In the letter dated 24th September,2021, an endorsement of rejection went as follows:-

*24th Sept 2021*

To Secretary General
Kuppet Kenya


The above refers.

The National Council of Branch Chairpersons addresses you on this matter as follows;

*THAT* whereas it is agreable that TSC TPD is a form of Employee Professional Development programme meant to address specific professional objectives, the Council *TOTALLY REJECTS* the admissibility of the planned program in it’s current design.Best labour practice places Capacity Building programmes on the shoulders of the employer, especially if such program is made mandatory by the employer. As is the case with the Public Service Commission, Public Universities and other government agencies, TSC must not transfer her responsibility to enhance the capacity of her employees to the teachers.

*THAT* an employer who chooses to make Capacity Building for her members compulsory, must do that inline with best labour practices by ensuring that the total cost and benefits that go with such policy is shouldered by the employer.

*THAT* a Capacity Building rolled out by the employer *should never* last an employee’s entire career period.

*THAT* this was a huge decision with lifelong impact on both professional and social life a teacher that needed the direct input of both the *National Advisory Council* and the *National Governing Council* before any commitment is made on the same.

*THAT* with the reports from all the 47 branches pointing to a fact that the teachers have *unequivocally REJECTED* the planned program in it’s current design and the fear that this step by NEB to endorse this program is setting up the BECs against the membership, It is therefore the position of *The National Council of Branch Chairpersons* that *The National Executive Board* to rescind their earlier position on the planned program and re-engage the TSC with a view to allow for more consultations on this matter.

Your sincerely,


Henri Otunga
for *The Council of Branch Chairpersons*


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