This Is What Senate Wants Of Former Governors Who Employed Ghost Workers.

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This past two weeks has been full of stories that make the headlines in the Media houses and social platforms in Kenya.




The story about counties paying ghost workers a wooping Kshs 35 billion hit the headlines and left Kenyans with many questions than answers.




It was revealed by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission that counties paid ghost workers for work never done





The Senate has taken its measures as it sent both sitting governors and former governors a stern warning.



According to TV47 News Kenya, the Senate has directed current and former



governors of counties allegedly involved in the Kshs 35 billion ghost workers scandal to submit their responses within 14 Days.




Among the counties involved are Mombasa, Turkana, Kisii l, Migori among others.





“Senato directs current and former governors of counties allegedly involved in the Kshs 35 billion ghost workers scandal to submit their responses within 14 Days.” Tweeted by TV47 News Kenya





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