Tougher Times As Ruto Releases Debt Collectors On HELB LOAN Defaulters.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022 – The Government of President William Ruto has moved to make the lives of graduates who benefited from the Higher Education Loan Board (HELB) a living hell.




This is after he dispatched vicious debt collectors to recover the billions students are holding in the name of HELB loans.




In a notice, Ruto, through the HELB board, invited interested, reputable firms with extensive experience to apply for debt collection services.




Interested bidders were requested to obtain further information and inspect the tender documents at the



procurement office on the 18th floor of Anniversary Towers during normal working hours.





In addition, they were urged to view and download the respective detailed tender adverts and tender documents from the




website www (dot) helb (dot) co(dot) ke (slash) procurement or https (full colon) (slash)tenders (dot) go (dot) ke





Interested applicants ought to notify HELB of their participation in the tender process by emailing their contact details to their official email address in case of any further addendum.




The closing date was set for Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 11 am.





In September 2022, HELB revealed that the number of former university students who had defaulted on loans had




dropped by 20 percent in the past six months. This led to a drop from Ksh10.2 billion to Ksh8.4 billion.




The move mirrored a similar instance in June 2022, when the University of Nairobi (UoN) sought debt collectors to track former students and recover over Ksh5 billion owed in arrears.

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