TSC: CBC Training Of High School Teachers Set To Begin In April.

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is set to start training secondary school teachers on Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) starting April this year in preparation for the pioneer group of CBC who will join junior secondary schools next year.

Commission CEO Dr Nancy Macharia, in a statement yesterday, said training of high school teachers on CBC is part of preparedness as the first CBC group, now in Grade Five, will be joining Junior Secondary next year.

“TSC has no other teachers; the in-post teachers must up their game. By April, the commission will be training secondary teachers on CBC. I, therefore, urge high school teachers to familiarise themselves with the CBC since the first CBC cohort will join Junior Secondary in 2023,” said Macharia.

She further said that the change in the curriculum will see the role of the teachers changing in alignment with the needs of the learners in the new curriculum.

Since CBC was enrolled, the Teacher Service Commission has been upfront training teachers to prepare them to implement the curriculum. Since 2019 TSC has trained over 230000 primary school teachers.

“Teachers are required to use differentiated modes of instruction and assessment for learners to benefit individually and progress meaningfully,” TSC boss explained.

The TSC boss further said that to meet the needs of learners in the 21st century, all teachers should possess additional skills that include a learner-centered classroom, students as learners, users, and producers of digital content and project-based learning.

“These are the skills that CBC is demanding of teachers, therefore you must enhance your pedagogical skills and content knowledge,” added Macharia.

She also urged teachers to impress the integration of ICT in teaching and learning because it can help improve teachers’ content delivery and classroom engagement.

She observed that teachers need to be techno-savvy to not only access online educational resources but also to access a whole range of automated services offered by the commission.

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