What Each Letter In Safaricom MPESA Code ‘QJD4TVHC3C’ Stands For..

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Learning knows no age nor time and one of the best feeling in this world is gaining more knowledge and learning something new.




Other happy moments to most people is the feeling after receiving money. Many Kenyans have always associated the Mpesa message notification with happiness.




To some ladies the message can instantly cure illness, as they say ‘confirmed you have received.’






A few might have asked themselves what the Mpesa message codes represent. They are not just random numbers. Let’s use an example of ‘QJD4TVHC3C Confirmed‘.




The first letter Q represents the year. For intance, Q represents 2022

N =2019, Q =2022

O =2020, R =2023

P =2021, S =2024

Photos: Screen grab: Roy Kanyi, TikTok








The second letter represents month, for this case represents October. 



Counting alphabetically from A to Z, the 10th letter is J and according to the calendar the 10th month is October;




A: January

B: February

C: March up to J: October

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