Allowances Payable to Teachers by TSC

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*Allowances Payable to Teachers by TSC*
Allowances paid to teachers are classified as either *remunerative* or *reimbursable*



Remunerative allowances are paid with salary while reimbursable allowances are refundable upon application.


*A. Remunerative allowances*

There are two types of remunerative allowances;

*1. Automatic*

which include:

– house
– medical
– commuter
– hardship

*2. Paid on application*

which include:

*Responsibility allowance*

This is paid to headteachers,deputy headteachers and senior teachers who are at Grade C2 and below.



*Special duty allowance*

This is payable to teachers below C4 appointed to administrative posts by commission and deployed in arid and semi-arid lands.



*Readers allowance*

This is paid to a visually impaired teacher who has engaged a reader whose minimum qualification is not below KCSE D+/KCE Division III. The allowance is paid at a fixed rate determined from time to time by the commission.

Interpreters Allowance*

This is payable to deaf teachers who engage interpreters while on study leave.



*Special school allowance*

This is paid to teachers specialized in special needs education and who have been deployed to teach in special schools or units.



*Transfer Allowance*

This is payable to teachers who have been transferred from one County to another, provided the transfer is initiated by the Commission.



*B. Reimbursable Expenses*

The commission reimburses the following expenses to teachers.



*Travelling expenses:*

The teacher is eligible for reimbursement only in the following circumstances;
-Where a teacher’s interdiction has been revoked.
-While traveling to attend an interview
-Travelling to a station on first posting outside home County.


-Traveling from duty station outside home County on retirement
-Teachers working in hardship areas travelling to and from home during school holidays. The teacher’s home County must be outside the hardship area.



Teachers should apply on prescribed forms attaching supporting documents.



*Quota per diem*
This is daily subsistence allowance paid to teachers on official assignment. Application must be made at least 14 days before travelling.

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