Date Primary And Secondary Schools Are Set To Close Schools And Years Full Academic Calendar.

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The Kenyan government has charged the education sector with utter importance by channeling the largest share of the annual budget to the ministry of education, education is therefore very important for each and every Kenyan citizen because through it on is able to totally develop his or her human abilities and behaviour.



Currently all primary and secondary schools are open as learners and teachers rush against time to clear the pending academic activities of 2021, this is after learning was affected since 2020 when Covid-19 disease broke out leading to a ten-month unplanned closure of schools in a bid to contain the spread of the virus.



According to the new school calender provided by the ministry of education, both primary and secondary schools are set to close by 5th March 2022 which is next month for holiday until 24th April 2022 except class eight and form four learners who will be sitting for national examinations, below is the full school calender for 2022.





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