DP’s Camp Overly Furious over President Uhuru’s “Thief” Remark. 

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DP’s Camp Furious over President’s “Thief” Remark.
But why does Tanga Tanga team feel so much pricked by president Uhuru’s latest ‘thief’ remarks more than any other political team? Well, this is a question many Kenyans battle with on numerous social platforms.
DP Ruto and his brigade pitched his camp yesterday at Kajiado East constituency and Makueni County where they grasped a rare opportunity to relook and react to President Uhuru’s earlier remarks where Uhuru appeal to Kenyans not to elect “a thief” to succeed him in 2022 as that will water his gains both politically and the development. His statements, however, seems not to sit well with the Dp’s team.
President Kenyatta urged the country not to elect “thieves” but instead scrutinize the aspiring leaders and pick only on those whose agenda is peace and uniting the nation.
“I urge you, don’t be incited. Settle on leaders who will ensure this country remains peaceful and united and those who will carry on with the work we already started and not take us back to where we came from,” said President Kenyatta in his native Kikuyu language. The President addressed members of public in Ruiru town, Kiambu County. This came shortly after presiding over the passing-out-parade of Prisons Cadet Officers at the Prisons Staff Training College (PSTC) in Ruiru.
On Saturday, during a political rally to woo the Maasailand into voting him for the the presidency, DP Ruto’ team launched scathing attacks at president Uhuru’s previous appeal to Kenyans on not allowing thieves succeed him. 
On his part, Rigathi Gachagua, Mp Mathira constituency said, ” Mwizi ako kamiti amefungua na kama rais ako na habari Kuna mtu mtu anataka kusimama, afanye mpango ashikwe, hatakuwa Kwa kinyanganyiro..” If the president is aware of any thief intending to vie, let him tell us. Let him use the state organs to have arrested and charged.  Rigathi further stated that Kenya will not be led by thieves, thieves are in Kamiti Maximum Prison.
In the brigade, Hon. Aden Dwale Mp, Garissa Township didn’t hestate to take his jab. The law maker reminded the president that he is insulting their team – UDA. He said, if there is a thief or crook amongst those vying for the top seat, why don’t the president have them arrested and charged in court. He sharply asked Uhuru to be specific since he is a leader. Leaders talk with specificity. 
“Usitapetape ati Kuna mwizi, hakuna. Use your state organs, EACC and DCI, tell the country who the thief is, you’re a leader.” The legislature boldly added.
MP Benjamin Washiali, Mumias East reminded the president that he has one year left in office, he should tell us who the thief is so as not to be elected by Kenyans other than talking in parables.
The allies of DP Ruto Katoo Ole Matito Kajiado
South Mp and Deris Tobiko Kajiado East Mp both rallied their support to the DP stating that their case on sharing power is well already sorted as she (Deris) is set for the gubernatorial seat, Kajiado County.
DP Ruto downplayed it all by sidestepping the attack himself, instead directing his energy at his opponents.
“Wale wote wanatafuta urais wanajulikana, mambo ni matatu, ajenda na track record…Mimi ndio niko na track record, Raila alete yake. Ruto reiterated that he is ready to accept the verdict of the people come 2022 by accepting the elections outcome. He affirmed that he’ll not be deterred in his bid to succeed the president.
Hon. Duale grabbed the opportunity to tell off the president of how they elected him when he was facing ICC with charges on crimes against humanity and mass displacement of people in 2013 ICC trials and today,
“You are calling us thieves and conmen.” Duale added.
The president had earlier indicated at running a peaceful county as politics will come at its own time.
“We cannot have violence after every five years. I want peaceful people, people who will be united. I don’t want people who only focus on insults. Peace is the foundation everything.
Shun being dictated on who is like this or that. This country is for us all. That is why I reached out to my competitors and we sat together,” said Kenyatta.
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