Evans Matuga, OS Kuppet Nyamira tells off TSC

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*Statement By Kuppet Organizing Secretary , Nyamira on TPD.*

The above matter refer.

Our attention has been drawn by Teachers Service Commission that recently launched a program dubbed Teachers Professional Development (TPD).

I have been retained by several teachers to respond as hereunder without prejudice:
1.That the teachers service commission’s recent plan to capacity build it’s professionals for a period of 30years was ill advised.Any training that takes two years must be equivalent to a masters program and be recognized the world over.
2.That compelling teachers to return back to lecture halls for the next 30 years is barbaric and unprofessional.The duration for training each module should not exceed 2 weeks .After all it’s just a capacity building program.
3.That the standard operating procedures in the corporate World is that employers usually shoulder the expense incurred on skills Development of their employees. TSC’s approach on this matter is predatory, extortionary, in bad faith and totally unacceptable.
4.That giving teachers a sex Collective Bargaining Agreement at a time they needed money most and instead subtracting Ksh. 6000 from their payslip annually for 30 years is tantamount to sabotage,disrespect to teachers fraternity and or practice of modern corruption.
5.That the commission erred in terming it’s professionals as semi literate and or semi skilled. Teachers underwent rigorous training in different colleges and universities that are accredited by the ministry of education. We condemn such utterances with strongest terms possible and reiterate that honourable teachers have certified Bachelor’s degrees, Masters Degrees and PhDs which should attract promotion and not ridicule.
6.That the commission did not engage teachers on any public participation and therefore the whole program is Frivolous.
7.That subjecting a teacher to 30years of training translates to or education system . This is modern slavery , professional discrimination that must be thwarted ab initio.
8.That TSC has failed to remunerate it’s employees and it’s now crossing over to ministry of education’s roles on training.
9.That the commission’s move to implement TPD on teachers is a diversionary tactic after failing to award teachers a better CBA.
10.That as teachers ,we reject the TPD program and we are not ready to enroll to any proposed institutions forthwith.We are ready to start all mother of strikes!

Evans Matuga
Kuppet Organizing Secretary.


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