Former CJ Dr. Willy Mutunga Warns Martha To Be Firm On This Presidential Election.

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Former Supreme Court Judge Willy Mutunga has sent a stern warning to current chief justice Martha Koome




asking her to be firm especially in the upcoming days after the official announcement by the IEBC on the Presidential election results.







According to Mr Mutunga, he foresees a high probability of William Ruto and his competitor Raila Odinga forming a





Grand Coalition Government and also a handshake in the upcoming days.

While he was making his remarks, the retired Chief Justice warned Martha Koome to to be ready to handle a




presidential petition in the upcoming days and that she should be ready to deal with it.




According to Mr Mutunga, should a loser move to court protesting announcement from the IEBC chairperson Wafula





Chebukati, She (Martha Koome) should stand firm knowing that the decision she will make with her team will please one group and be rejected by another.




However he advised her to follow the Constitution and the law and all will be okay.




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