“It’s cat and mouse game.” Landlords lament as tenants go into hiding.

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Landlords in various towns across the country are a worried lot.

This comes even as the cost of living continues to skyrocket, with Kenyans bearing the brunt.

In recent times, some however say that tenants have resorted to a cat-and-mouse chase every end of the month.


“We understand that the times are hard. But we also have loans to service,” Mwangi Muiruri, a landlord in Kahawa West, said.


Some tenants have devised means to avoid the landlord trap, leaving the house in the wee hours of the morning.


“At times you are forced to hide. A landlord camping on the doorstep at the break of dawn is not a good start to your day,” Joel Mutiso, a tenant in Nairobi’s Umoja 1, said.


With the current economy riddled with challenges, the struggle to pay rent seems to be a growing problem.


“As the cost of living continues to rise, people are finding it difficult to keep up with their financial responsibilities,” said Michael Koech.



For low-income earners such as bodaboda operators, their Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO) representatives have moved in to mediate.


“With reduced clientele and increased competition, they find it tough to make ends meet. As a result, they fall behind on their rent payments, putting themselves at risk of eviction,” a SACCO representative who sought anonymity noted.


SACCO leaders negotiate with the landlords on behalf of their bodaboda members, pleading for leniency or more time to make payments.


This has not only brought financial relief for several operators but has also fostered a sense of unity within the bodaboda community.

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