KCSE Disrupted After Banditry Attack At Two Schools

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The Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams were on Monday disrupted in two schools at Kapkusum in Muchongoi, Baringo County.




This is after armed bandits launched an attack in the area.



Learners Assured of Security

Turkana County Commissioner Muthama Wambua has assured candidates and supervisors in this year’s national examinations of their security as the KCPE examination starts today.





Speaking during the opening of the KCPE examination container at the county commissioner headquarters in Lodwar, Wambua said enough security personnel have been deployed to guarantee the security of the candidates.




“Two police officers have been deployed to each examination centre and we have extra security officers from Rapid Deployment Unit, border patrol unit who are on standby in areas like Kainuk, Kapedo, Kakong, Nadapal and Lokori to support the officers in charge of examination centre should need arise,” said Wambua.

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