Kenyan Schools Likely To Close A week Before August 9th Elections.

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All Schools Likely to Close A week Earlier Before August 9th Elections –




Days before Kenyans go to the polls, schools across the nation returned on Tuesday, July 12th for the second term following a ten-day hiatus.





As the polls in August get near, the spotlight will be on the education industry more and more.





Due to the pandemic’s interference with the academic calendar, the Ministry of Education was forced to reassess  the timetable and shorten terms.




In order to give the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission enough time to set up polling places in



preparation for the elections,the  learners are likely to break for a half-term vacation a week before the election.



After  the elections, the students are expected to return to class to finish their second term.





However, as Kenyans go to the polls, an electoral process could go awry and endanger the nation’s educational system.




Recent elections in the nation have been fiercely contested and occasionally violent, with a chaotic aftermath that would typically prevent the reopening of schools.






The schools were closed earlier than expected on August 8, 2017, in order to accommodate IEBC’s usage of the buildings as polling and tallying locations.

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