Possible Reasons For Disqualification From The Ongoing TSC Interviews.

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Why Several Shortlisted Teachers Are Getting Disqualified In The Ongoing TSC Interviews.

TSC interviews for the recently Teachers Service Commission (TSC) advertised replacement vacancies for both primary and secondary school teachers to fill the gaps of those who have exited service are on.



The TSC interviews are ongoing where several shortlisted applicants have been disqualified during the recruitment interview after facing the panelists for various reasons.
They are facing disqualification for the things which many of us take lightly but they matter a lot during interviews.



Why do majority of the overlook such important things?  Here are the reasons why shortlisted applicants are facing disqualification during the recruitment interview:

1. Deregistration
Some teachers might have joined the service earlier but got deregistered by the commission maybe under professional misconduct or dismissal. If one has been deregistered by the commission, this serves as the basis for disqualification during interviews.




2. Forgery of documents
Some registered teachers lack some essential documents. Such teachers go ahead to forge the missing academic credentials. Any applicant presenting a forged document is disqualified during interviews. The most commonly forged documents include first KCPE and KCSE certificates incase of more than once attempt and one is missing, co-curricular certificate, recommendation letters among others.





3.  Possession of Two TSC Number 
It’s clear that one may be assigned two TSC numbers by the commission through either making the application twice knowingly or unknowingly, or one may have been registered and then later deregistered by the commission and decided to apply for the number once again.

Any applicant found in possession of two numbers is disqualification during interviews.
In cafe you have two TSC numbers, return one of them to the TSC headquarters so that it can be deleted from the database to avoid disqualification during interviews.




4.  Failure to Minimum Requirements
The commission gas set the minimum requirements for one to be employed as a teacher such as Mean grade of C+ plus at KCSE or its equivalent and Minimum of C+ plus in the two teaching subjects. If one misses to meet these thresholds, then automatically you will be disqualified.






5. Certificates From Unrecognised Institutions 
Some teachers may posses certificates from oversee countries which are not recognized by the commission, therefore if one is in possession of the same, he/she will be disqualified from attending an interview.
Therefore, it’s ethical to conduct background check of the university you are attending whether its recognized by the Kenyan Teachers Service Commission.





6. Not Declaring Your Previous Employment.
During online applications, the commission requires that you indicate whether you have ever worked with the commission at any given point. Not giving truthful information concerning your employment status with the commission will act as a ground for disqualification.





7. Lack of Teaching Exposure During Enhancement.
Some teachers might have taken a certain subject combination but later on discover its not marketable and decide to go for enhancement in another subject, without going through teaching practice for that particular subject he/she enhanced.
Therefore, this implies that one lacks teaching exposure in that particular area. Therefore, this will act as a ground for disqualification during recruitment interviews.

8. Missing on the graduation List
Some teachers may have graduated but their names may miss in the list of graduands. If this happens, one will be disqualified.



9. Different Names On The Certificates
The names that are appearing on the certificates, from KCPE, KCSE and Degree certificate must be consistent. If different names appear on the certificates, then one will be disqualified.



In such an instance, one will be required to produce a sworn in affidavit to prove the authenticity of the names.

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