TSC To Scrap Off Bachelor of Education Degree Program

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TSC To Scrap Off Bachelor of Education Degree Program



Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has proposed for the changes to be undertaken by teachers before they are allowed to join the work force.



According to the Daily Nation, TSC has decided  to scrapping off Bachelor of Education Degree that thousands of teachers pursued before securing employment.



Teachers will now be required pursue a Bachelor of Arts course or a Bachelor of Science for a period of three years.



Upon successful attainment of the Degree,the teacher will then be expected to enroll for post-graduate course for a period of one year then they will cleared to apply for TSC number.




 TSC Quality Assurance Director Reuben Nthamburi indicated that new change is expected to take effect.



Nthamburi further revealed that the move to switch academic requirements for teachers was informed by the ongoing reforms brought about by the introduction of the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC).




He said that inorder to professionalise the teaching service and improve the quality of education, TSC  needs to review entry grades to the teaching service and advice the national government.

He added that the new changes will raise the standards of the teaching professional and attract more quality grades.




As a result , individuals looking to pursue the aforementioned courses will be required to attain a C+ grade in their Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) plus a minimum of B- (minus) in either sciences or arts.




Following this announcement, most University officials and lecturers have expressed their anger  with the move arguing that it was unnecessary and unfounded.



These professionals have claimed that if the system is adopted,most  Education departments in Universities across the country would be rendered jobless.

TSC To Scrap Off Bachelor of Education Degree Program

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