Kisii High School Principal Rewards His Top Candidate With A Plane Flight Over Exemplary Performance.

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Fred Mogaka, the principal at Kisii High School, surprised a candidate who is set to sit for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with an air ride after surpassing the target.





Mogaka treated the student with a fully paid trip on Thursday, November 3. The candidate flew from Nairobi to Kisumu and then back aboard a local airline.





The KCSE candidate surpassed the A score which was set by the principal during the mock exams.




The student also emerged as the best, beating peers from five other different schools within the Kisii region.

Kisii High School student at JKIA after his fully paid trip to Nairobi.
Kisii High School student at JKIA after his fully paid trip to Nairobi.





The school administrator used it as a motivation tool for the candidates ahead of KCSE exams which are set to commence on Friday, December 2 to December 23.





“Fred Mogaka (The Principal of Kisii High School), in his bid to motivate his form four students, promised a trip on board a plane to whoever attained an A plain in post mock exams,” Affecto Foundation founder Ndung’u Nyoro wrote.




“Juma not only secured an A plain of 81 points but also emerged the best in 5 schools,” he added.




The student was further captured at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) after disembarking from the plane.



Mogaka had earlier made headlines for donning student uniforms. The principal insisted that he decided to wear uniform to connect better with students.





“I realise that being like these boys will always get you closer to them. They feel like they’re a part of you,” he stated in a past interview.



He added that wearing uniform enabled him gather information, thus helping him tame cases of indiscipline among students.



Mogaka also made headlines after deploying sniffer dogs that helped in nabbing two students who had attempted to sneak marijuana into the school.




He collaborated with the National Police Service (NPS) to corner the student who had allegedly smuggled the substance into the school.




Former Education Cabinet Secretary Prof George Magoha lauded Mogaka for being on the front line in taming indiscipline in schools.



Outgoing Education CS George Magoha addressing at the Chuka University graduation ceremony on Friday, October 14, 2022..jpg
Former Education CS George Magoha addressing the congregation at the Chuka University graduation ceremony on Friday, October 14, 2022.


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