KUPPET cracks whip on Counties Union Officials allegedly opposed to TSC’s TPD roll out modalities..

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In a quick move that is intended to cripple the operations of KUPPET offices in selected counties who vehemently resisted TSC’s rushed implementation of the TPD, teachers union KUPPET has teamed up with the teachers employer in oppressing the tutors’ representatives.

Teachers Service Commission in the recent past launched a teacher professional development program that is to see teachers rush back to strictly four selected institutions namely KEMI, Riara University, Kenyatta University, Mount Kenya University. The program is structured to last thirty years and is used by the Commission for promotional purposes on the teachers. Notably, Kenya Union Of Post Primary Teachers KUPPET, The Ministry Of Education, Kenya National Union of Teachers KNUT all endorsed the program and its rushed implementation.

A screenshot confirmation from a victim official.

Teachers across the country, consequently expressed feelings of both betrayal and disappointment with all the stakeholders. The argument of the teachers being, a few issues needed to be properly addressed before the roll out is eventually conducted. Key issues being:-
i. Funding be shouldered by the employer.
ii. More learning institutions be incorporated in the program country wide.
iii. The number of years be reduced from the stipulated time amongst other modalities.
It took the initiative of a few lobby groups and individuals to seek legal redress from the courts of the land, unfortunately for teachers, the train had left the station.
Teachers Union Officials at County level sharply joined the conversation concerning the modalities of the roll out. Incidentally, it has come at a price for the selected few whom, the national union’s offices possibly potray to have played key role. The whip is cracked and their September 2021 salaries withheld.
While addressing the matter this morning, the said officials have confirmed the regrettable act. Terming it unfortunate. Majority of the official are Executive Secretary, KUPPET county branches. They include:-
1. Sabala… Vihiga
2. Okisai…. Busia
3. Kimwere… Isiolo
4. Lengoyiap…. Samburu
5. Omondi….Tana River
6. Miano…. Laikipia
7. Jasolo… Migori

Teachers are demanding for instant explanations to the decision with a number of teachers promising mother of all demonstrations if the situation is not addressed within 24 hours.

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