National Aids Control Council: 2, 464 Young Kenyans Contract HIV/AIDS Monthly

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On Citizen TV yesterday, they ran a story that should get every parent worried: According to The National Aids Control Council, 88 young Kenyans between the age of 15 and 24 are contracting HIV/AIDS daily in Kenya. These are high school and university students.




They have something called ‘mali kuenda chain’ where during campus weekend parties and graduation parties… one girl can be shared by even 3- 4 boys during the night or during the weekend.




They also have this belief that HIV/ AIDS is not that bad. That ‘better the virus than cancer’ ukimwi utameza madawa na usurvive for long. And, the girls are more afraid of pregnancies than they are of HIV… so, they would rather take




morning after pills than insist the guy wears a condom. Then there is the problem of faithfulness… a word they only read in the bible. Don’t even start talking about the sponsors …. a story for another day…



88 infections per day is 616 kids per week; which is 2, 464 per month. This is a lot of lives being interrupted, and most of the interrupted lives will be destroyed. Talk to your nephews, nieces, sons and daughters… HIV/AIDS is not child’s play.




Save their lives… talk to your babies… real talk about what HIV/AIDS does to a person.
Story: Courtesy

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