New Step By Step Application/ Registration For TSC Number, 2022.

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TSC Number Registration Application – How to Register.


TSC number application process is simple and straightforward. The Teacher Service Commission Act 2012 Article 237 requires that the commission registers all qualified teachers before they teach in any private or public Kenyan school. If you meet all the requirements for registration, you will receive a certificate of registration that has a TSC number within 30 days of filing. The names of all the registered teachers become published annually. TSC Number Registration Application

TSC Number Application Requirements
Below are some of the fundamental details you need to verify before you begin your application for TSC number in the TSC number application platform;




Certified copies of academic and professional certificates

National identity card
Bank slip

One passport size photos
KRA pin

GP69 form

Certificate of Good Conduct

Entry and work permits for non-Kenyans.




Once you have these documents, scan and upload their original copies on the TSC number application online website. You will also be required to deposit KES. 1,055 through direct or straightforward banking. KES. 1000 is a non-refundable registration fee and KES. 55 is the Bank commission charge on TSC. Be sure to have a bank deposit slip before you proceed with the application.





If you are applying for duplicate certificate application, deposit a non-refundable fee of KES. 2,055 to the TSC Registration Account National Bank of Kenya Direct Banking A/C No. 01001005707400.




As indicated above, the application of TSC number requires you to have all the needed documents and finances. Registration for TSC number in Kenya attracts a response within 30 days after TSC number application form submission.




Possible Causes for Failed Registration
Application for TSC number in Kenya are denied in some cases, necessitating a closer look into the following critical causes of failure;




Lack of proper relevant academic and professional qualification
Bad moral conduct with former offense conflictions including sexual offense or any other offense against a learner
The previous record of criminal offenses that renders the person unfit to be a teacher



1 If the applicant is engaged in activities that are prejudicial to peace, order and good governance
If the applicant suffers physical or mental infinity that renders them incapable of performing the duties of a teacher.



If you do not have any of the above conditions, feel free to hit that submit button and wait to be assigned your new TSC number.



Also, take note that all sections of the registration application must all become filled. To do this, fill in all the required information and take note that it is a criminal offense to give false details willfully. If found guilty, you will be required to pay fines of up to KES. 100,000 or face 12 months imprisonment or both according to section 44 of TSC Act No. 20 of 2012.




Take note that since the online TSC number application system came into existence, TSC does not accept any paper application meaning all applications must be done online. You therefore, need to ensure that you can access strong Wi-Fi signal or visit a cyber cafe to make your request without any form of interruptions. Remember, TSC number application status is only done online

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