Police Boss Shot Dead By His Junior For Reprimanding Him Over Lateness To Work.

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A police corporal in Naivasha on Sunday shot dead his senior, moments after being reprimanded for reporting to work late and drunk.

According to an official police report, the officer, Joseph Muthunga, showed up on duty at Kedong Ranch in Naivasha late and seemingly drunk.

He took offence when the officer in charge of the camp, Senior Sergeant Ayub Polo, reprimanded him for his lateness.

“The suspect came to the camp drunk and got angry when he was questioned for his behaviour by his senior,” Naivasha Deputy County Commissioner Kisilu Mutua said.

The officer is said to have shot his boss five times, killing him instantly. At the scene, police recovered five 7.62mm spent cartridges.

According to Mr Mutua, the suspect fled the scene immediately after the incident, with police pursuing him.

“The suspect is armed but we are doing all we can to apprehended him,” Mr Mutua said.

The officers drawn from the administration police unit were stationed at the privately owned farm with a different command structure.

Senior officers, led by the sub county police commander Samuel Waweru and DCI boss Adan Hassan, visited the scene on Sunday morning.

“They are leading the team that is conducting investigations following the shooting incident,” added Mr Mutua.

The slain officer’s body was later taken to a private mortuary in Maai Mahiu awaiting postmortem.

Meanwhile, livestock farmers in Nyandarua County are counting their losses after thieves struck and stole their animals during Christmas.

In  Kanangop Constituency, one farmer lost 12 goats on Christmas Eve when the thugs raided his home.

Mr Simon Chege says the thieves took their time to select the healthiest goats from the shed.

“I never heard any commotion or movement. It is a major blow to my family. Now we have been left with nothing to slaughter for our guests,” the farmer said.

In Ol Joro Orok Constituency, Mr Charles Wachira from Gathanji village lost but later recovered his five sheep. He had left the animals tethered at the riparian land but when he returned they were missing.

“I reported the theft to police who mounted a search and recovered the sheep in a butchery at Kona trading centre as the butcher prepared ferry them to the slaughter house. The suspected thief and butchery owner were arrested, I was lucky to have recovered my sheep,” said the farmer.

Subcounty Police Commander Jotham Wanyama said the suspects will be arraigned in court on Tuesday.

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