“Stop the lies. Work on character.” Herman Manyora tells Ruto

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In what appeared as a rare hard moment of truth, the well-known top political expert and analyst Professor Herman Manyora unapologetically hit the nail on the head.

Through Prof. Herman’s YouTube channel dubbed “Here is Ruto’s list of lies,” the top bold analyst directly addressed the Deputy President, William Ruto on matters shaping his character before focusing on the county’s top job.

Mr. Herman observed with concern, in his statement, an assertion made by the DP that he (latter) fought against imperial presidency. He laughingly termed it insincere.

“Ruto recently lied to the country to have fought against imperial presidency thus putting an end to Moi’s Kanu regime is one of the fattest lies. This might allude to him (Ruto) being the likes of George Anyona, Raila Amolo, James Orengo, Martin Shikuku, Matiba and Rubia at Kamukunji during the Saba Saba is untrue..” Said Manyora in the YouTube clip.

In the words of Mr. Manyora, the DP should be concerned about his character and leadership because telling the truth is crucial in leadership. He however noticed that the Dp’s habit of dishonesty is not a new thing.

“Immediately after 2007/2008 tribal clashes came the Mau issue, again, followed by another big fat lie that caused Raila in 2013. The lie that Raila was behind their going to ICC… while we all saw Raila and Kibaki fight hard to have the cases listened to and tried here in Kenya. Ruto himself said, No. Don’t be vague, go to Hague.” Manyora recalled,
“Again, through lies, Ruto dragged Raila down.”

Another lie, he recalled, came in 2013, 2017 on the promises of building the five stadia by April, just after the elections. This was another fat lie by the DP.

According to Manyora, Ruto lies that the president only achieved something in his first term. Then, immediately abandoned the Big 4 agenda in pursuit of the BBI dream in the second term. However, the president communicated in his last interview with the journalists to have achieved more in second term than in the first. According to Manyora, Ruto lied here too.

Manyara notes that Ruto misinforms on the country’s debts and loans. The president insisted on not borrowing loans unless we’re accountable, Ruto now indicates it’s only Uhuru who went for the loans in his second term. The truth is, UhuRuto’s Jubilee administration borrowed 2013-2017. Kibaki’s left us at ksh. 1.7Trillions debt but UhuRuto pushed it to about ksh.6 Trillion. This too. is a lie.

Latest lie being on the Turkish investor. Ruto claimed to have made a call to equity bank and secured ksh. 15b. The bank cannot confirm knowledge of such a transaction. According to Manyora, this another fat lie from the DP.

Manyora believes Ruto will be president in Kenya some day but not in 2022.
“As president, you need to know the value of character and integrity in leadership. Leaders make tough decisions and remain bound by them. That’s why taxpayers pay you every month. Raila stood by his Mau forest decision.” Argued. Manyora

Herman advised all those who aspire to be leaders especially Ruto to stop lying and stand up for certain values in the society.
“How would Kenyan’s view you when you stand for nothing?” Manyora wondered
Kenyans will associate you with lies or will say you stand for nothing.

“Dp’s step in when there’s a vacancy as provided for in law, even in the case of a governor and so the need to have integrity. Dp’s should realize there can only be one president at a time and that any president needs the support of a DP not antagonistic tendencies.” Argued the analyst

“He will not resign because he knows he will lose so many things. Ruto has no principles and on when compromise on principles, he is only destroying himself.” Herman concluded






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