TSC Hardship Allowances and Newly Mapped Hardship Areas

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All the teachers posted in these areas are paid a monthly hardship allowance which is meant to acts as a motivating factor since they face life threatening conditions that range from poor working environment to health threats.




TSC however  recently excluded some parts of  Nyandarua county, Muranga county, Kandara sub-county, Kigumo sub-county and also  Nyahururu from hardship areas following  improved infrastructure.





This means that the teachers posted in these areas will no longer get a monthly hardship stipend




factors considered for ban area to be mapped under hardship 

  1. Having Limited services and social amenities
  2. Having high level of insecurity and/or probability to security threats.
  3. Experience of harsh climate conditions such as floods, drought.
  4. Experience lack of sufficient food.
  5. Having inadequate means of transport and communication networks.




List of Hardship Areas in Kenya

Some of the counties that have been listed under hardship areas include :

  1. Turkana 
  2. Mandera
  3. SamburU 
  4. Wajir 
  5. West Pokot
  6. Narok 
  7. Garissa 
  8. Marsabit 
  9. Isiolo 
  10. Tana River 
  11. Lamu 
  12. Kilifi 
  13. Kwale 
  14. Taita Taveta 
1 Baringo North Sub County Baringo County
2 Tiaty East Sub County Baringo County
3 Tiaty West Sub County Baringo County
4 Marigat Sub County Baringo County
5 The whole of Garissa Garissa County
6 Suba Sub County Homa Bay County
7 Mbita Sub County Homa Bay County
8 Whole of Isiolo Isiolo County
9 Mashuuru Sub County Kajiado County
10 Liotoktok Sub County Kajiado County
11 Kajiado West Sub County Kajiado County
12 Whole Kwale Kwale County
13 Magarini Sub County Kilifi County
14 Ganze Sub County Kilifi County
15 Whole of Lamu Lamu County
16 Whole of Mandera Mandera County
17 Whole of Marsabit Marsabit County
18 Mumoni Sub County Kitui County
19 Mutito North Sub County Kitui County
20 Mutito North Sub County Kitui County
21 Tseikuru Sub County Kitui County
22 Narok South Sub County Narok County
23 Narok North Sub County Narok County
24 Whole of Samburu Samburu County
25 Whole of Taita Taveta Taita Taveta County
26 Whole of Tana River Tana River County
27 Whole of Turkana Turkana County
28 Whole of Wajir Wajir County
29 Whole of West Pokot West Pokot County





TSC added  another 4 new hardship areas due to the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

1 B5 5 G 6,600
2 C1 6 H 8,200
3 C2 7 I 10,900
4 C3 8 J 12,300
5 C4 9 K 14,650
6 C5 10 L 17,100
7 D1 11 M 27,300
8 D2 12 N 27,300
9 D3 13 P 31,500
10 D4 14 Q 31,500
11 D5 15  R 38,100


The newly added counties include:



1.Baringo North.  Here the areas are :Tiaty East, Tiaty West and Marigat sub-counties.

2.Kajiado county, it includes loitoktok, mashuuru and Kajiado west

3.Kitui County- it includes Mumoni, Mutito North and Teikuru sub-counties

4.Homa baycounty- it includes suba and Mbita sub counties




TSC Hardship Allowances

Tsc pays hardship allowance at a flat rate.

Since 2014, Salaries and Remuneration Commission reviewed hardship allowances and abolished the percentage of basic pay.

TSC Hardship Allowances and Newly Mapped Hardship Areas

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